Enlightened provides a range of services in support of mission-critical software platforms.
CJCC requested support for upgrading, maintaining, and continually updating JUSTIS, an information sharing portal and business process management infrastructure.
The construction of JUSTIS required that Enlightened integrate data and systems from over 30 government agencies, spread across the Federal, state, and local levels. To ensure successful completion of this task, Enlightened provided a full range of services which included transition planning and support, change management, technology refreshment, insertion and enhancement, release and deployment management, service validation and testing, and integration and testing.
As the result of Enlightened’s work, the system, with rare exceptions, has had a 24/7 uptime and the problem resolutions have achieved high levels of satisfaction based on user survey responses. Additionally, the success of this project has affected and supported more than 4,000 Metropolitan Police Department officers, 185 District of Columbia Superior Court staff and judges, 145 Public Defender Services staff, 140 United States Attorney’s Office personnel, and 30 Office of Attorney General personnel.
Services Provided
- Analyzed upgrade requirements
- Conducted application compatibility review
- Prepared pre-approved documentation deliverables
- Verified that the CJCC software and other applications remained unaffected by operating system
- Structured query language and FAST tool upgrades
- Performed upgrades over weekends and holidays
- Utilized virtualization to test upgrades before full release
- Upgraded current infrastructure to a uniform standard